Tuesday 2 June 2015

New mining exploration spending hits a decade-low

In Commodity News 02/06/2015

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Australian mining exploration expenditure hit a near-decade low of $381 million in the three months to March, with the spend on iron ore exploration down 76 per cent in just three years.
The total national investment in exploration slumped 13.4 per cent during the March quarter, according to the seasonally adjusted data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The exploration drillers are looking for work so they’re heading to [agriculture].
Dan Cooper, grain farmer
This is the lowest estimated total spend the ABS has reported since September 2006, when investment was $380 million. It is down more than 60 per cent from the high of $1 billion invested in the industry in March 2012.

During the quarter, Queensland led the decline across the states, with spending down 32 per cent, or $31 million. Western Australia’s exploration spend dropped $30 million, or 12 per cent, led by a substantial drop in iron ore expenditure.
A breakdown of the original non-adjusted data revealed exploration on new, or greenfields, deposits hit a decade-low of $91 million during the quarter. After a slight recovery during the December quarter, which provided a glimmer of hope to some industry commentators, the spend on greenfield exploration declined 40 per cent in the March quarter.
The data also showed the total spent on iron ore exploration declined the most by commodity, down 43.4 per cent during the quarter.
A severe slide in the price of iron ore has put a freeze on much of the investment in iron ore exploration, with even the biggest miners holding off on plans to explore in order to conserve cash.
The iron ore price has slumped close to 50 per cent in the past 12 months to hover at around $US63 a tonne, after sinking as low as $US47 a tonne in April.
A mere $82.1 million was spent nationally on iron ore exploration in the March quarter, the lowest level in eight years. This is down 76 per cent lower from the peak spend on the commodity in mid-2012 when the iron ore price was sitting around $US140 a tonne.
The second-largest decrease by commodity was on coal exploration which was down more than 44 per cent or $34 million.
Industry experts have warned the reduction in exploration expenditure could be detrimental for the industry if it is maintained long-term.
Bennison highlights need for exploration
Earlier this year Association of Mining and Exploration Companies chief executive Simon Bennison highlighted the importance of continued exploration, given the long lead time between exploration and production. Mr Bennison said it often took companies seven to 10 years to progress from an initial exploration application to first production at a project.

The exploration downturn also has repercussions for contractors seeking work from the nation’s explorers and miners. The decline in spending is so fierce it has forced some drilling contractors to diversify into other industries to find work.
Grain farmer Dan Cooper told Fairfax Media in April he was using mineral exploration drills to search for water on his property because they were offering better rates. The exploration downturn had provided him with the opportunity to cinch cheap drilling rates.
Mr Cooper said he was able to get holes drilled for about half the rate he was quoted a year ago from traditional bore-hole drillers.
“The exploration drillers are looking for work so they’re heading to ag,” Mr Cooper said. “That competition will put downward pressure on prices.”
While it’s a silver lining for Mr Cooper, it isn’t good news for drilling contractors such as locally listed Boart Longyear, which last month flagged ongoing price pressure in its drilling services division.
In its first-quarter results released in May, Boart said rig utilisation averaged just 35 per cent, with revenue lower year-on-year in both its drilling services and product sales divisions.
Chief executive Richard O’Brien said in May drilling activity levels persisted at “historically low levels” with the company’s conversations with its customers and peers indicating challenging market conditions in exploration were unlikely to change this year as there were “no near-term catalysts to support a recovery”.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald

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